Sunday, October 23, 2016

WAGG Day 24 - Goes 69-70

Two more goes today. The first one was feeling really good, but my mind got in front of my body, and I was looking for holds that I was two moves away from getting to. The second go was much better, I climbed through the "crux" and ran out of gas a move-or-two later. Then I got right back on and climbed it to the top - it was a quick one-hang on TR, not my best go ever, but a damn good one. Can't wait to get back.

Friday, October 14, 2016

WAGG Day 23 - Goes 66-68

October 14th, 2016

A quick evening session, 3 goes total. Did all of the moves on each of the goes. Feeling the fitness return...slowly. It's hard to communicate just how good this line is. I mean, it's solidly 3 letter grades harder than anything I've ever climbed, even on a top rope, but it keeps me coming back for more. Sometimes I wonder if I'm wasting time on the thing, and should be building a bigger pyramid. Then I get on it, and the climbing is so good that I can't help but come back for another ass-kicking. Do yourself a favor, no matter what grade you're climbing and get on this thing - it's nothing short of amazing.

Monday, October 10, 2016

WAGG Day 22 - Goes 63-65

October 9th, 2016

It's been 5 months since my last go on Whiskey, and it felt go to take three goes on the thing. Also, a summer of poor conditions (maybe better stated as low-motivation) brought me to the table a little weaker than the last time. Still, I took three goes, and did all of the moves at least twice. This thing is hard, but amazing. I need to climb/train more, and I feel like I'm over a little period of burnout.

Wednesday, May 18, 2016

Tuesday Trifle

So I went up to the Monolith Bouldering Area at DL to start to sort some things out on MP because it was an unsorted mess. I ended up splitting what used to be titled Monolith Rocks into two areas East and West. While I was up there I ended up finding a bunch of problems that weren't on the site already - although I'm sure at least some of them have been done in the past.

So I added the following to the site:
Awkward Mushroom (V1)
Deep Doodoo Left (V0)
Deep Doodoo Right (V0)
Just Another Sick Old New Rig Left (V1)
Just Another Sick Old New Rig Right (V1)

The Just Another Sick Old New Rig problems might be new, might not, ultimately who cares? They're short fun and meaningless. I did shoot some video of them though:

Enjoy them if you get there!

Sunday, May 8, 2016

WAGG Day 21 - Goes 59-62

May 7, 2016

It's been almost six months since I last gave Whiskey a try. A lot of things have kept me from it in that time, but it was good to be back. I have been training a lot for an upcoming mountaineering trip and NOT focussing on rock climbing strength. So, I was pleasantly surprised on my first go when I fell only a move below my best go to-date. Subsequent goes were less impressive, and my lack of training shined through. My big takeaways from the day are:

  1. Whiskey a Go-Go is still amazing
  2. I haven't lost as much strength as I thought, but I have lost some endurance
  3. I am psyched to spend the summer and fall solely focussed on hard rock climbing and even bouldering (yes I said it).

Monday, May 2, 2016

The Socratic Method

Back in early April, I stumbled upon this:
It's tucked away in the hinterlands of Sauk County, and the access situation is complicated, so I'm not into posting it here for all the world to see. However, if you're reading, get in contact with me and I'll share its location and how to get good access. I called it The Socratic Method (WI2) - there's a hint to its location in the name if you care.